Haute ‘n Heels

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Walk like a Stallion and Dance like a Pro! No matter your level of dance expertise, or lack thereof, you’ll come out feeling like the Baddest Diva of the Day or at least a Bomb A** Background Dancer! You’ll definitely Strut into Sexy, but right after you feel the burn. No experience necessary.

*Athletic shoes recommended for the first half and heels are encouraged for the remainder of the class.



Athleticism, adventure and artistry have always been recurring characteristics of Ms. Crystal Belcher aka “CryStylez.” Crystal has an extensive history of dancing,  cheering, co-ed competitive sports and dance fitness. Since 2010, she has been a student of pole, an instructor, personal trainer and choreographer.

   “CryStylez”  thrives on fluidity and showmanship, alongside the thrill of expression and  transformation. Her aspirations are to inspire clients to enhance their visions of  fitness, performance and/or dance with style! Not only does Crystal work to leave  a lasting impression, she aims to spread that insight and perspective of  performance to up and coming artists.

    It is not just about the tricks and transitions, hyper-flexibility and strength moves, it’s about creating moments and evoking emotions.

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